Kinloch Irish Setters


Breeder of Merit 

Champion Kinloch's Left Of Center

By the time she was 5 weeks old Sybil had convinced me she was special, and she continues to do so.  At 14 months of age she debuted in bred by just because I wanted to go to some shows, and came home with 5 points, including a major.  Now, after only shown 11 times in Bred By, she has finished at 17 months of age with 3 majors and a Bred By Group 2.  She is an obvious combination of both her parents, with her father's gorgeous head and expression and a more refined version of her mother's smooth body and her lighthearted attitude.  We apreciate the many compliments Sybil has received from both judges and other fanciers and look forward to seeing waht else the world has to offer for our sparkling young girl!

PRA Genetically Clear

Sybli in the ring
  Designed by Gary R. Morrison